Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I told myself I would clean, but I'm doing this instead

I have been sitting with my laptop on my lap for about an hour and a half now. Wasting time. Looking at Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube; just about everything possible to distract me from the mess that is my apartment. Almost time to go to work. Oops. Somehow I feel like this is more productive. Setting up a blog. Why? I don't know. I don't write enough these days. I have a degree in Literature and Writing, and I don't read enough, and I don't write enough. So I'm changing that. Right now. The Time Traveler's Wife is on the couch beside me. I'm 18 pages in. Wow, I'm well on my way to reading and writing more. I feel so proud. No, it's not Chaucer or Shakespeare, but whatever. At least it's something. The more time you spend out of school, the less intelligent you feel. Well, I do anyway. Proof-reading tax forms and brochures only keeps me on my toes for a few minutes at a time. Ok, time to tidy up.


  1. I'm so glad you are doing this! We all need our creative outlets these days....keep it comin' L.L.!

  2. I'm proud of you!! Yay you!! Maybe i'll start a blog my own self!!.....love you!.....P. Slater

  3. BTW.....speaking of great books....."American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
    A masterpiece!! 595 pages and i raced through it!!.....

  4. I'm proud of you!!! Even though it's really hard, I try to keep writing and reading whenever I can because it makes me feel good. I just read a collection of short stories called Olive Kitteridge this summer and it was seriously one of the best books I've ever read. I think it won the Pullitzer Prize for fiction, too. Love you!!!

  5. I've totally been feeling the same way. So much for the degree in Literature & Writing. I've been thinking I need to update my blog more often. I have one, just don't write enough. Thanks for the inspiration :)
